Tukang tagged ; Aishahtur e'a
These are the rules :
1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if u hate wearing red. If u can’t find one, u still have an option.Either post your significant other’s photo or your child’s photo, if u have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.
2. Let us know the reason why u were wearing that particular day.Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that u first saw in your closet that day?
These are the rules :
1. Post YOUR photo wearing red, may it be red top, bottom, the least would be red accessories if u hate wearing red. If u can’t find one, u still have an option.Either post your significant other’s photo or your child’s photo, if u have one. Of course, they should be wearing red.
2. Let us know the reason why u were wearing that particular day.Was it your birthday? Is red your fave color or was it the shirt that u first saw in your closet that day?

inilah satu2nya picku yg berbaju merah..
tu pn xbraper nk merah sgt..
ala2 maroon gitu..bole laa ek..
gmbar ni di ambil mase raya yg bru nih..
1st time raye pkai kaler nih..
actly gmbar asal dah hilang..
yg ni ade lah pic yg di amik oleh paparazzi, yeh yo ooh jer..
n die mengemailkannye kepade ku..
i can't say anything..
hahahaha sampai gersang due org minah salleh tu. hahaha
maroon pun bole diterima la tu. haha
maseh sbb sudi buat. ecewahh
tu la..xsoleh tul minah salleh tu..
same2..thanx 4 mengetag..hehehe
uih...agak menyeksekan permandangan..hahaha..hehehe..cun eh minah tu.. :P
tu la sapal..
diorg nih slalu mcmtuh.
suke2 je wat poster gmbar din basau2..
in public lak tuh..ahahaha
mmg artis poyo pn..
kalo jhonny depp xpe ar..
sape poyo..
johny depp?
die mmg aa..
aku pn nyampah..
astaghfirullah..ape nok jd anok buah aku nieh..
garfitti haha
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